About Me

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Y'ello there, my name's John. I play video games somewhat obsessively, I read a lot of Science Fiction (Douglas Adams, anyone?), and I am now trying to keep up with current events and generally failing at that. Other than that, I am usually happy and I am easily distra- Oh look, a cat.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

You know...

I'm never going to be able to stick to one single layout until I have something to focus on.

At least it looks nice to me now.

Ha Ha! I am using the Internet!

Meme aside, this is just a first post for an after-blog for "Blue in a Red Sea Makes Purple Waters."

Will this blog be about news? If I feel motivated.

Will it be about Video Games? I'll probably have some posts about them.

Will it be a place for me to randomly babble on? Definitely.